Monday, October 11, 2010

New Clothes!!

Hope everyone had a great (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend! If you haven’t voted on older items yet, please take a minute to do so!
Now, on to this weeks most recent purchase:

This is a pretty exciting purchase for me. I believe it's the first clothing purchase I've made this year that didn't have the Ghostbusters logo on it. I went into International Clothiers looking for some business clothes (and I found some neat stuff!) but I ended up spending about $100 on two new sets of clothing as shown above. The other set is pretty much identical, but with blue jeans, a blue outer shirt and a white shirt with blue writing underneath. I REALLY needed some new jeans, all of my current pairs are a) too short on the legs or b) too big on the waist.

Generally, $100 is too expensive for my taste, but I really needed some new clothing and got two entire new, stylish outfits out of it.

So, now's your chance - Vote Treasure or Trash. You can base your vote on the style of clothes, the pricetag, or a combo of both - it's all up to you!


  1. Treasure. I like them. Jeans that actually fit you!!!

  2. Buying new clothes is hard for Guys sometimes.
    Treasure what you have accomplished.

  3. Treasure because you finally have pants that fit you lol

  4. Treasure...because you sorted through all the gangster clothes and found good ones

  5. definite treasure, especially if you break it down to price per item.
