Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big Mac Attack!!!

I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for contests. When Roll Up the Rim comes around, I'll buy Tims (when I usually just make coffee at home). The chances of winning are just slightly better than the lottery, but its a small price for a CHANCE! I'll take it. That being said, today on my drive home, I saw the Monopoly Poster outside McDonalds. I'm hungry, so if I plan on buying anyways, the potential to win something is cool in my mind. I get...

Big Mac Meal - $6.49 - McDonalds

It was gross.

Also, apparently Monopoly is over, they just don't feel like taking signs, I'm upset and now my tummy is making weird noises.

Why did I get it? I hadn't eaten since noon and I was stomach hurt so much that getting home and microwaving something for two minutes was two minutes longer than I was willing to wait. I haven't had a Big Mac in probably 10 why not try it. Big mistake - Mac sauce, special sauce, whatever it's called... is now dubbed nasty sauce by me.

Trash, trash...1000 times trash. And it's too dang expensive. No McDonalds until at least 2011 for me!!

Leave your mark below - Treasure or Trash it.


  1. Agree, double cheese burger off the dollar menu is always the way to go

  2. I agree - trash. Honestly never was particularly fond of Big Macs.

  3. always a treasure!although i usually splurge and go for a quarter pounder with cheese add bacon! omg soooo good! maybe if you are in the mood add a 6 pac of mc nuggets! what!?

  4. considering you could have gotten four burgers for the same price, trash.

  5. last time I remember having a burger meal with you was when you were fourteen or so and had two big macs back to back...ugh...sorry fast food and the tummy just don't agree these days, at any price....

  6. hey debbie...getting four burgers for same price a great deal for a family of four..just would not have wanted poor scotty eating all four..would have kept him regular or irregular for days...
