Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 – FREE with Scene Points!
If you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, I promise to keep spoilers to a minimum and won’t ruin anything – so keep reading!
I read the book over three years ago, when it first came out, so I knew the general direction of the movie, but forgot a lot of the specifics, which I think made the movie interesting. For the record, I didn’t enjoy the book – I felt it moved too slowly and at times the movie did as well. Really though, it’s the only way for the book/movie to go. If all the problems were solved with the flick of a wand, it would be a pretty boring movie.
I laughed more times in this movie than I did in Due Date, which is kind of sad considering Due Date is a comedy. Dobby, the house elf, was hilarious and some inter-character conflict was good for some laughs too.
It’s hard to rate this movie because it’s part one of a two-part finale, so there really wasn’t a clear, satisfying ending. But overall, it had action, laughs, suspense, and some pretty good visual effects. I probably won’t see it in theatres again like some of the diehard fans, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. Treasure this.


  1. free = treasure lol. Being that it was good, makes it a treasure also :P

  2. Saw it...thought it was too angsty and emo...don't care...had to be seen, so, treasure.

  3. Meh...Harry Potter. At least it was free. Should have saved your Scene points for something better...and for me! Trash.

  4. I downloaded it and it was alright. I vote treasure. And yes, Im going to see it in theatres too. Saturday actually.
